Monday, June 21, 2010

Mornink suma..

Just nk gtau kt korg suma tntg satu hal...
pagi nie org meeting kt ofis...ptg ni ada besday celebration utk suma yang celebrate dari bulan Mei untill Ogos...
dlm meeting td unofficially org dilantik jd ahli pasukan keselamatan SME Bank Caw. SJBR...2 jelah nk inform..

Sunday, June 20, 2010

ni pic buah tin yang org guna...blh dibeli kt pasaraya2 yg dekat dgn tmpt korg..

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Klmrin 19/06/2010 adalah besday org...memandangkan org dh borink nk mkn kek,org pn bt la fruit tart..menjadi beb...kalu korg nk try,amik la resepi kt bwh..mmg sedap...pastu org nk gtau nie...kalu susah sgt korang nk cr buah2an segar,pkai je yang dlm org bt klmrin,org guna buah peach dn buah nenas yg dlm tin jer..satu tin ckup utk satu adunan kuih ni...buah kiwi lak korg beli 3biji jer pn dh ckup..strawberi la org guna yang kering punya..ada kwn beikan ms dia pergi Cameron Highland..buah2 ni potong la bg kecik2 ckit..pasti ckupnya...satu adunan ni blh dpt 60 biji fruit tart mcm dm pic org nie... kwn2 org mmg puji la sbb sdap..
blh bt niaga...huhu...msuk bakul angkt sndiri beb...slmt mencuba...
Fruit Tarts

Pastry (Resepi Chef Anuar)320g butter
160g gula castor
1 st vanilla esen
sedikit garam
2 biji telur
500g tepung gandum

Filing Kastard500ml susu segar
3 atau 4 sudu tepung kastard
75 g gula halus
garam secukup rasa.

Bahan2 Lain
Coklat cair secukupnya
Buah2an segar (ikut kegemaran masing2)
Jem aprikot atau piping jelly (kalau suka)


Utk Doh Pastri

Pukul butter bersama gula, esen vanilla, garam sehingga lembut (sekejap sahaja dan jgn sampai kembang nanti berminyak)
Masukkan telur dan kacau sehingga sebati
Masukkan tepung dan uli adunan sehingga menjadi doh. Kalau doh lembek, taruk tepung sedikit-sedikit. Doh sepatutnya lembut.
Dough di simpan dalam fridge selama 30 minit sebelum ditekan ke acuan.
Tekan doh pada acuan tart.
Bakar 170 degree Celcius selama 15 minit. Kemudian sejukkan sementara nak sediakan isian kastard.

Utk Filling Kastard

Masak semua bahan2 kedalam periuk dengan api yang sederhana dan kacau perlahan2 dan bila dah nampak nak likat cepat2 angkat. Jangan dimasak terlampau lama nanti jadi pudingle pulak.. Sapukan bhgn dalam kulit tat dgn sedikit coklat cair.
Paipkan dgn krim kastard tadi. Banyak atau sikit bergantung pada kehendak masing2.
Susun buah2an segar mengikut kreativiti masing2....tak kira buah2an tempatan atau buah2an import....Boleh juga disapu permukaan buah2an tadi dgn jem aprikot atau piping jelly utk nampak lebih berkilat dan masukkan kedalam peti ais utk mendapatkan rasa yg syedap.. ulala..


Friday, June 18, 2010

Kedudukan jerawat dan info...


  • Haba badan melampau, peredaran darah tidak baik.
  • Minda dan badan, mungkin terlampau letih.
  • Stress Kumpulan ini biasanya panas baran
  • Nasihat : Pupuk tabiat tidur awal, bangun awal.
  • Dapatkan tidur yg cukup dan minum air banyak


  • Jerawat di batang hidung bermaksud tulang belakang kita mungkin bermasalah
  • Di hujung hidung mungkin kerana haba
  • Perut melampau dan sisitem penghadaman tidak normal
  • Di salah satu hujung hidung pula boleh dikaitkan dgn ovari atau sistem reproduksi


  • Fungsi buah pinggang terjejas atau sistem endokrin rembesan dalaman) lemah. Kaum wanita mudah mendapat jerawat di sekitar dagu mungkin berpunca drpd haid yg tidak teratur dan sistem peranakan yang bermasalah.


  • Fungsi hati mungkin kurang lancar termasuk dilanda masalah rembesan, menyahtoksin dan penghasilan darah.


  • Fungsi paru-paru mungkin tidak normal


  • Sistem perkumuhan yang bermasalah, sembelit.
  • Amalkan pemakanan yang sihat dan mengikuti piramid pemakanan bagi mempastikan toksin tersingkir dengan lebih baik.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hands-Only CPR for Adults Who Suddenly Collapse
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Hands-Only CPR?

A: Hands-Only CPR is CPR without mouth-to-mouth breaths. It is recommended for use by
people who see an adult suddenly collapse in the “out-of-hospital” setting. It consists of two
1. Call 911 (or send someone to do that).
2. Begin providing high-quality chest compressions by pushing hard and fast in the center
of the chest with minimal interruptions.

Q: Who should receive Hands-Only CPR?

A: Hands-Only CPR is recommended for use on adults who suddenly collapse. The American
Heart Association (AHA) recommends conventional CPR (that is, CPR with a combination of
breaths and compressions) for all infants and children, for adult victims who are found already
unconscious and not breathing normally, and for any victims of drowning or collapse due to
breathing problems.

Q. Do I need to take a training course to learn how to do Hands-Only CPR?

A. CPR is a psychomotor skill. The AHA continues to recommend that you take a CPR course
to practice and learn the skills of CPR, including giving high-quality chest compressions. People
who have had CPR training are more likely to give high-quality chest compressions and are
more confident about their skills than those who have not been trained (or have not trained in
the last 5 years).* Even a very short CPR training program that you can do at home, like the
AHA’s 22-minute CPR Anytime™ program, provides skills training and practice that can prepare
you to perform high quality chest compressions.
Data on skills performance is from the 2005 CPR Anytime study using an “untrained” control group. Data
about confidence/willingness to act is from a 2007 national survey, in which Americans who were trained
within the last 5 years were almost twice as likely (45% vs. 24%) to say they’d begin CPR immediately in
a real emergency as those not trained or not trained in the past five years.

Q. Do I still need to learn “conventional” CPR with mouth-to-mouth breathing?

A. The AHA still recommends that you learn conventional CPR that includes mouth-to-mouth
breathing. There are many medical emergencies that cause a person to be unresponsive and
to stop breathing normally. In those emergencies, CPR that includes mouth-to-mouth breathing
may provide more benefit than Hands-Only CPR. Some examples include:
• Unresponsive infants and children
• Adult victims who are found already unconscious and not breathing normally
• Victims of drowning or collapse due to breathing problems

Q: Is Hands Only CPR as effective as conventional CPR?

A. Hands-Only CPR performed by a bystander has been shown to be as effective as
conventional CPR (CPR that includes breaths) in the first few minutes of an out-of-hospital
sudden cardiac arrest. Provision of conventional CPR may be better than Hands-Only CPR for
certain victims, though, such as infants and children, adults who are found in cardiac arrest or
victims of drowning or collapse due to breathing problems. Any attempt at CPR is better than
no attempt.

Q: Will Hands-Only CPR increase the chance of a bystander taking action in a cardiac emergency?

A: Yes. In a national survey, Americans who have not been trained in CPR within the last 5
years stated that they would be more likely to perform Hands-Only CPR than conventional CPR
for an adult who collapses suddenly. In addition, Hands-Only CPR offers an easy to remember
and effective option to those bystanders who have been previously trained in CPR but are afraid
to help because they are not confident that they can remember and perform the steps of
conventional CPR.

Q: How did you decide to call it “Hands-Only” CPR?

A: The term “Hands-Only CPR” was developed through extensive consultation with
communications and resuscitation experts, and use of focus groups and nationally-based
surveys. The objective of this initiative was to develop a message that describes an effective
technique that the public will remember and perform to help an adult who suddenly collapses.
The overarching objective, of course, is to save more lives by encouraging more bystanders to
take immediate and appropriate action when they witness an adult suddenly collapse.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Give a Hand to Save Others from Sudden Cardiac Arrest Hands-OnlyTM CPR — Facts

Sudden cardiac arrest claims hundreds of thousands of lives each year. One of the main reasons is because no one at the scene does anything to help. In fact, less than one-third of sudden cardiac arrest victims receive bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Getting help right away — within a few minutes -- is the key to survival. People who have a sudden cardiac arrest and don’t get help right away will probably die.
Fortunately, the American Heart Association has a new way for anyone to step in and help adults who suddenly collapse -- Hands-OnlyTM CPR.

> Hands-Only CPR is CPR without mouth-to-mouth rescue breaths. It involves two easy steps: Call 911 and push hard and fast on the center of the chest. Don’t stop until help or an AED arrives.

> Anyone can perform Hands-Only CPR and everyone should perform it if they aren’t confident in their CPR skills or haven’t learned conventional CPR.

> Hands-Only CPR is easy to remember and results in delivery of more, uninterrupted chest compressions until more advanced care arrives on the scene.

> Bystanders must take action when they see someone suddenly collapse and stop breathing normally. When effective bystander CPR is given immediately after sudden cardiac arrest, it can double or triple a victim’s chance of survival. Hands-Only CPR can help save lives.

> Do not give Hands-Only CPR to infants and children — all infants and children who have a sudden cardiac arrest need conventional CPR.

> Adults who nearly-drown or have cardiac arrest due to a respiratory cause need conventional CPR.

Revised 10-07-09

Thursday, March 4, 2010